Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Vaguely Hungry (days 17 to 28)

Last time, I called my companions fearless. That was really a misconception on my part. Insane would be much more descriptive. Strangely, I didn't come to this conclusion when they blithely walked up to the strange cemetery. When the dread inhabitant of said cemetery challenged them to a duel, I did not revise my opinion. Even when Mustafa challenged that same dread inhabitant who nearly killed Tuon in one blow during their duel. I did not think them crazy, just really brave.

It was when we blithely kept walking south past the point of no return on our food supply. That did it. Their eyes fixed only the possibilities of this ancient and abandoned tower, they simply didn't care that we didn't have enough food to get back. South, always to the south. Joking and laughing about figuring out how to animate a giant snake from bones to be their servant once they live in the tower. Where do they get these ideas? Its like a clear cut image in the heads of the 3. They want Hulia's floating tower, and they want a giant bone cobra to ride.

Once, I asked Mustafa what purpose a bone cobra serves. "Is it useful? What does it do?," I asked him.

He looked at me like I was strange in the head and replied simply, "It does bone cobra stuff! Of Course!".

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